156 research outputs found

    Decision problems and profinite completions of groups

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    We consider pairs of finitely presented, residually finite groups P\hookrightarrow\G for which the induced map of profinite completions \hat P\to \hat\G is an isomorphism. We prove that there is no algorithm that, given an arbitrary such pair, can determine whether or not PP is isomorphic to \G. We construct pairs for which the conjugacy problem in \G can be solved in quadratic time but the conjugacy problem in PP is unsolvable. Let J\mathcal J be the class of super-perfect groups that have a compact classifying space and no proper subgroups of finite index. We prove that there does not exist an algorithm that, given a finite presentation of a group \G and a guarantee that \G\in\mathcal J, can determine whether or not \G\cong\{1\}. We construct a finitely presented acyclic group \H and an integer kk such that there is no algorithm that can determine which kk-generator subgroups of \H are perfect

    The strong profinite genus of a finitely presented group can be infinite

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    We construct the first example of a finitely-presented, residually-finite group that contains an infinite sequence of non-isomorphic finitely-presented subgroups such that each of the inclusion maps induces an isomorphism of profinite completions.Comment: 10 pages, no figures. Final version to appear in Journal of the European Math. So

    The Schur multiplier, profinite completions and decidability

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    We fix a finitely presented group QQ and consider short exact sequences 1β†’Nβ†’Gβ†’Qβ†’11\to N\to G\to Q\to 1 with GG finitely generated. The inclusion Nβ†’GN\to G induces a morphism of profinite completions N^β†’G^\hat N\to \hat G. We prove that this is an isomorphism for all NN and GG if and only if QQ is super-perfect and has no proper subgroups of finite index. We prove that there is no algorithm that, given a finitely presented, residually finite group GG and a finitely presentable subgroup PβŠ‚GP\subset G, can determine whether or not P^β†’G^\hat P\to\hat G is an isomorphism.Comment: 6 pages no figures. To appear in the Bulletin London Math So

    Actions of automorphism groups of free groups on homology spheres and acyclic manifolds

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    For n at least 3, let SAut(F_n) denote the unique subgroup of index two in the automorphism group of a free group. The standard linear action of SL(n,Z) on R^n induces non-trivial actions of SAut(F_n) on R^n and on S^{n-1}. We prove that SAut(F_n) admits no non-trivial actions by homeomorphisms on acyclic manifolds or spheres of smaller dimension. Indeed, SAut(F_n) cannot act non-trivially on any generalized Z_2-homology sphere of dimension less than n-1, nor on any Z_2-acyclic Z_2-homology manifold of dimension less than n. It follows that SL(n,Z) cannot act non-trivially on such spaces either. When n is even, we obtain similar results with Z_3 coefficients.Comment: Typos corrected, reference and thanks added. Final version, to appear in Commetarii. Math. Hel

    The isomorphism problem for profinite completions of residually finite groups

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    We consider pairs of finitely presented, residually finite groups u:Pβ†ͺΞ“u:P\hookrightarrow \Gamma. We prove that there is no algorithm that, given an arbitrary such pair, can determine whether or not the associated map of profinite completions u^:P^β†’Ξ“^\hat{u}: \widehat{P} \to \widehat{\Gamma} is an isomorphism. Nor do there exist algorithms that can decide whether u^\hat{u} is surjective, or whether P^\widehat{P} is isomorphic to Ξ“^\widehat{\Gamma}.Comment: 12 page

    Abelian covers of graphs and maps between outer automorphism groups of free groups

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    We explore the existence of homomorphisms between outer automorphism groups of free groups Out(F_n) \to Out(F_m). We prove that if n > 8 is even and n \neq m \leq 2n, or n is odd and n \neq m \leq 2n - 2, then all such homomorphisms have finite image; in fact they factor through det: Out(F_n) \to Z/2. In contrast, if m = r^n(n - 1) + 1 with r coprime to (n - 1), then there exists an embedding Out(F_n) \to Out(F_m). In order to prove this last statement, we determine when the action of Out(F_n) by homotopy equivalences on a graph of genus n can be lifted to an action on a normal covering with abelian Galois group.Comment: Final version, to appear in Mathematische Annalen. Minor errors and typos corrected, including range of n in Theorem

    Subgroup separability in residually free groups

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    We prove that the finitely presentable subgroups of residually free groups are separable and that the subgroups of type FP∞\mathrm{FP}_\infty are virtual retracts. We describe a uniform solution to the membership problem for finitely presentable subgroups of residually free groups.Comment: 8 pages, no figure
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